Steal for the Love of God

"Milky Pettish Adenine Kern" An Exhibition based on "The Chemistry of Money"

For the love of God I merge myself with Damien Hirst
"Milky Pettish Adenine Kern", ein Anagramm der beiden Künstler ihren Namen 

Eine virtuelle Ausstellung

Milky - weiß, blass, nicht durchsichtig
Pettish - childishly bad tempered, launisch, kindisch schlecht gelaunt
Adenin - eine der vier Nukleobasen in der Nukleinsäure der DNA
Kern - fester innerer Teil einer Frucht, Zentrum

"Earth is Mind" ein Anagramm von Damien Hirst

As a teenager I loved making anagramms and making up words like James Joyce in Finnegans Wake.
"artbeiten" is for example my word for making art as opposed to "arbeit" which is usually done for money. I make art for its own sake, it is its own reward. Like sharing and being kind to others, I don't need to be paid for it. 

Recently Damien Hirst was quoted on the front cover of the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine proclaiming that, "Geld ist so wichtig wie die Liebe", Money is so important as love

Oh dear Damien,
you are a billionaire, so what hey?
Joy is the greatest wealth

At least it seems to be yours, joy has me by the balls.


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