Lovely to meet Mary Clear.
She knows the power of small actions & thus created Incredible Edible
Reading her lovely stories on facebook I came across her Ukraine story which gave me the urge to present her as a writer here, as one of MoMA Lemon's Artists. We are all artists, it's just that a lot of grownups lost the knack to be just honest and brave.
I was particularly moved by the Ukraine story because as I read it I imagined Mary chatting to Putin & him listening to her.
To all my friends here & everywhere, to my russian artists friends on here too, Daniil Kovalyov who is Ukrainian. To everyone. I never got politics, I grew up with my Dad having 9 allotments in his prime, growing every vegetable you can think of, on one allotment he kept pigs that I bottle fed from birth, when the sow had too many babies to cope with. A lovely memory of family farming. And Dad bless him, fed his family of 7.
I know Mary & what she has achieved through her beautiful undying vision for a Kinder world, I know that fighting over land is wrong when agriculture is what we depend on, enough of history, this is all we got, let's farm it together.
Mary Clear
Death Activist, fearful and fearless. Lover of life and the power of small actions
Thank you for everything
Pete Kilkenny
16. 02. 2022