Just had the most wonderful encounter with, “my”, birds
A Sparrowhawk just tried to kill members of, "my", Blackbird family that are nesting in my garden. I spoke to the beautiful Sparrowhawk asking it nicely to please go and eat a Sparrow instead because I love my Blackbird family, they sing all day and I awake to their song every morning. It looked at me gobsmacked, as gobsmacked as a sparrowhawk can be, and then to my incredible surprise, when I tried to shoo it away gently with my broom handle it got on it

Later as I was at my neighbour's, as they had invited me for early evening dinner, “my”, Sparrowhawk came and perched beside me just a few feet away.
I'm devouring, "The Little Prince", these last weeks, it must be having that taming effect
Don’t know about you, I’m beginning to prefer talking to birds, we listen to each other
As the Little Prince tamed the fox
it was I who was tamed by a Sparrow Hawk
13th April 2020