The Whole Family Ryabichev are to thank for inviting me to their incredible studio in Moscow which is the size of Stadtplatz Tittmoning where I live.

I am indebted to the whole family who took me in like their own son.
To Alexandra & her husband Alexander Ryabichev, for giving me everything & taking care of me. I truly hope we will see each other again!!!

DMITRY (Daniil) RYABICHEV (1926 — 1995 гг.)
The founder of the Ryabichevs Creative Studio in 1967. Laureate of the USSR State Prize, winner of the UNESCO International Prize, Dmitry Ryabichev created monuments of Mahatma Gandhi (Delhi), of Indira Gandhi (of Bhubaneswar, Orissa), a statue of Jawaharlal Nehru (Moscow). All Indian projects were established in cooperation with his son Alexander Daniilovich Ryabichev.

The head of the Ryabichevs Сreative Studio since 1995, member of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia (1979), the Jawaharlal Nehru Prize laureate (1992). Alexander Ryabichev worked with his father, a sculptor Dmytry (Daniil) Rabichev, together they created some works, e.g. a monument to Mahatma Gandhi (Delhi), Indira Gandhi (Bhubaneswar, Orissa), and a statue of Jawaharlal Nehru (Moscow).

In 2007, Alexander Ryabichev presented Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Center, Embassy of India, Moscow, with a copy of a Mahatma Gandhi bronze sculpture, the original of which is there in Delhi. At the same time Alexander Ryabichev’s exhibition was held in Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre.
In 2008, the «Kolorit» Hall presented a solo exhibition of the sculptor Alexander Ryabichev. The exhibition was visited by Mr Prabhat Shukla.

In 2013, the Ryabichevs’ exhibition on India was inaugurated at the Saratov Regional Museum.
Since 2011 up to the present day, Ryabichevs creative workshop presents the exhibition «India…», where one can see works by Dmitry Ryabichev, Alexander Ryabichev, Daniela Ryabicheva, Alexandra Zagryazhskaya, and Sofia Zagryazhskaya.

Born in 1995 in the artistic family of sculptor Alexander and Alexandra Ryabicheva-Zagryazhskaya. A graduate of the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts. Daniela Ryabicheva is a student of Surikov State Art Institute.
A member of a traditional exhibition about artistic dynasties of Moscow «The Family of the Artist» (since 2008). А member of the international art project «La Boheme we are together» (from 2010), the theme of «Friendship of Peoples», as well as the art project of the family Ryabichevs «India, India … «in which Danielа shows her works together with the works of her famous father and grandfather Alexander Ryabichev, Dmitry (Daniil) Ryabichev.

Member of the Artists Union of Russia. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Literature. Cavalier Pushkin Medal of the Academy of Russian Literature, «an adherent of enlightenment», Golden Medal Cavalier of the Artists Union of Russia for his contribution to Russian art, photographer, journalist, editor of the news sites about art and artistic life.

Born in Moscow. She graduated from the S.G.Stroganov University of Art, theme «Creativity sculptors Dmitry and Alexander Ryabichev in the context of the national monumental and decorative art,» 2012, Art manager of cultural events, curator of art projects, including «The Family of the Artist» about artistic dynasties (pavilion «Culture», Ryabichevs Creative Studio), «From classical to avant-garde BriArt Design studio, Ryabichevs Creative Studio),» India. India … «( Ryabichevs Creative Studio), author of articles and essays on the artists and works of art, editor of the portal» Gallery «Alexander», “Арт-Релиз.РФ».

A Mega thank you to Daniil Kovalyov, boyfriend of Daniela Ryabichev, a great friend of mine & one of the greatest artists I ever met in my whole life. I hope that we will meet again when the shit storm passes!

Thank you to TED Moscow for inviting me

Thank you to Swetlana Barina who I was creating a Kilkenny Designer Label with till the Patriarchy started wars again
Thank you to Dima Hunzelweg, a true artist who I also hope to see again one fine day

Thank you to Martin Cooke from Bradford & his beautiful family, what a wonderful creative bunch, a mix of proper yorkshire & russian blood, words cannot express how much I love you Cookey. Martin created the most amazing Theatre for children which just blew me away

Thank you to Olga Lisikova for singing her heart out, she certainly sang out mine
Here you can hear Olga sing, "Secret Garden Almond Blossom", written by my wonderful friend Martin Cooke, what a beautiful song

Thank you to all the team at PAUL SMITH Moscow, I love your socks Paul. I adore at the same time Gerhard Richter's stripes too. I am looking forward to our PKilkennyPSmithCow Collection. Talk to you soon!